Monday, July 23, 2012

Mmmm, mmmm, good (Day -8 through Day -3)

Holy shit buckets!  What a difference fresh juice makes from that pre-bottled shit at the supermarket, yo!  Suri hadn’t even had the blood washed off her and had her umbilical cord untied before I ran to the supermarket to pick up some fixin’s for a “blood builder” juice that Nn turned me on to.  It was the bomb-digity-bomb bomb. 

I’ve discovered a logistical complication to this upcoming juice diet.  I don’t think I have the fridge space necessary to accommodate all of the fruits and vegetable I’m going to need to buy.  Jed will have to move out so I can put another fridge in his comic book closet.  It’s a lot of mass, for sure.  I also feel like this means I’m going to have to go to the grocery store EVERY day to keep my produce fresh.  If anyone has any thoughts on that, do let me know. 
The recipe I made quickly filled up my output jug.  I had to emergently find a pitcher to empty and continue.  The recipe below made 5 – 12oz. glasses of juice. 

Blood Builder (Iron-Enriched) Juice
2 bunches of grapes. 
2 granny smith apples
6 oranges
4 lemons

I’ve been making several other blends over the last few days.  Some good, some not so good.  None have been terrible.  We watched the movie again with our friend, Heather.  I made her some yummy juice to enjoy while she watched it.  The movie had her “hooked until they mentioned ‘exercise’”! 

Do Bears on a Juice Diet Shit in the Woods?

A couple of side items to take care of.  We had recently been talking about relocating the family to Galveston.  We had both been interviewing down there, and one of us were offered a job down there.  And while it was a great job, and would have been a good move for the family, we decided to pass on the opportunity and stay In Austin for the time being. 

One of the things we talked about in the decision making process is the lack of things in Central Texas that we completely neglect to participate in anymore, such as camping, hiking, swimming, etc.  We agreed we were going to start doing more of those things, again…like we used to.  So this weekend, at the urging of Nn, we decided to take an impromptu camping trip.  It was something that I wanted to do soon, but also something that I didn’t want to do while I was drinking meals.  I didn’t want to be forced to answer the age old question about bears in the woods. 

The biggest benefit to camping in the woods this past weekend was the sudden cessation of coffee!  I woke up this morning in a slight cloud, but the headaches are gone and I’m ready to move forward. 


Walt said...

If you have to move Poppa out, he should know he's more than welcome here. I assume he'll have one of the boys, too. We've got room for both.